Seen the other side
Those who have experienced death appreciate life differently
My near death has profoundly changed my perceptions.
And I share these different perspectives in my work.

The basics of being
Who am I really? Where do I come from and where do I go when I die? What is consciousness? Anyone looking for answers to the eternal questions of existence is confronted with a multitude of theories, especially as a spiritual beginner. Sylvia Leifheit has been aware of subtle levels since childhood and has developed an easy-to-understand guide based on her experiences. In it, she introduces the various worlds and beings and shows how to access them. Among other things, she draws on a new interpretation of the Ten Commandments and a revised Kybalion with its seven principles of life. A selection of energetic paintings also conveys spiritual knowledge on a non-verbal level. The 1 x 1 of Being challenges us to break with the dogmas of the last 2000 years - and to create something new on the basis of a holistic world view.
Hardcover: 384 pages Publisher: Trinity-Verlag (April 10, 2012) Language: German ISBN-13: 978-3941837478
Size and/or weight: 24.4 x 18.4 x 2.6 cm, also published as an ebook
Gebundene Ausgabe: 384 Seiten Verlag: Trinity-Verlag (10. April 2012) Sprache: Deutsch ISBN-13: 978-3941837478
Größe und/oder Gewicht: 24,4 x 18,4 x 2,6 cm, auch erschienen als Ebook
Javah - The journey of a soul through time
When all the fairy tales of our childhood tell a truth that only reveals itself to the initiated ... when the keys to this knowledge lie dormant within us ... when everything we experience is never forgotten ... when every feeling is a gift of life, when thoughts are no longer thoughts but the impulses of a host of beings around us ... when the coldness of life is transformed by the warmth of connectedness into an eternal feeling of love ... when life begins to become a playground of love ... when a ray of light is enough to make visible everything that was previously hidden in the dark ....... . then Javah tells us her story through space and time. “Know who you really are and live all that you are” - is the silent magic wand behind the magic of this book.
Paperback: 312 pages Publisher: Silverline Publishing; Edition 1 (April 17, 2014) Language: German
Size and/or weight: 17.8 x 12.7 x 1.8 cm, also published as an ebook

Interviews with the entities of Abadiâni
Abadiânia is one of the most magical, powerful places on this planet. It has been given the gift of helping souls and beings to communicate directly with people.
For decades, various soul forces have been healing and working there through the medium Joao de Deos. Millions of people have already experienced this communication and many of them have been healed.
Sylvia Leifheit was told by Joao during one of these sessions in Abadiânia that she would receive a gift. This gift of psychography then gradually unfolded in her. She herself became an intermediary channel for the entities of Abadiânia.
Sylvia Leifheit starts her book series INTERVIEWS with interviews with the entities in Abadiânia. Her ability to communicate with different subtle energies is thus made accessible to people.
Taschenbuch: 352 Seiten Verlag: Silverline Publishing; Erscheinungsdatum: 17. April 2014 Sprache: Deutsch
Größe und/oder Gewicht: 14,8 x 1,9 x 21 cm, auch erschienen als Ebook

Initiation into the secrets of the cosmos
Sylvia Leifheit launches her EINWEIHUNG book series with Einweihung in die Geheimnisse des Kosmos.
For some it is the bible of energetics, for others a reference work on questions about important cosmic processes. It is an initiation into the insights of a soul who has gathered this almost infinite knowledge over many incarnations on different planets and shares it with humanity in this book.
Through the description of the state of humanity, the laws of free will, the meaning of suffering, impurity and consciousness, the experience of powerlessness and the initiation into the course of each soul's journey over several incarnations, the interactions of action and reaction become more clearly understandable.
In addition, the book is dedicated to the practical questions of being human. It deals with questions about career, personal realization, family, birth and transition.
Taschenbuch: 500 Seiten Verlag: Silverline Publishing; Erscheinungsdatum 9. Dezember 2014 Sprache: Deutsch
Größe und/oder Gewicht: 14,8 x 2,8 x 21 cm, auch erschienen als Ebook

Initiation into the energetic annual circl
Many of the festivals that we celebrate throughout the year have very old and therefore often forgotten origins. The traditions point to a cycle of energies on our earth that works much deeper than we previously believed.
For example, what exactly happens to the soul force within us at Christmas? Or how can we harness the energy of Easter? How do the tools of subtlety work at the solstice and what changes do they bring about in interaction with the earthly forces over the course of a year?
Volume 3 of the Initiation series is dedicated to these and many other questions. In this book, we learn to look at human festivals from a different perspective and to use this knowledge to shape our lives even more consciously by recognizing the signs for the rising and falling of life energies, among other things.
Taschenbuch: 104 Seiten Verlag: Silverline Publishing; Erscheinungsdatum: 8. Dezember 2015 Sprache: Deutsch
Größe und/oder Gewicht: 14,8 x 0,7 x 21 cm, auch erschienen als Ebook

Initiation into birth and death
The two greatest mysteries in a person's life are at the beginning and end of their journey. Birth and death.
Stepping into and out of the unknown is what can frighten us humans.
This fear is unfounded when we realize that these moments follow completely natural processes. Just as the body breathes in and out, the transitions into and out of life correspond to the soul breathing in and out.
The initiation into the ancient knowledge about the processes of transitions helps us once again to clarify our view of a new life beginning as well as of life ending. Behind all this lies an even deeper understanding of being, which everyone can only experience and realize through this training. This book enables us to lift the veil of these uncertainties in a practical, unprecedented way.
Taschenbuch: 312 Seiten Verlag: Silverline Publishing; Erscheinungsdatum: 28. Oktober 2016 Sprache: Deutsch
Größe und/oder Gewicht: 14,8 x 1,8 x 21 cm, auch erschienen als Ebook

Initiation into the wisdom of King Solomo
With the book Initiation into the Life Wisdom of King Solomon, Sylvia Leifheit presents a further book in the series of initiations that she began with the work Initiation through the Beings in Abadiânia. Already in Abadiânia she was shown a presence that worked on earth in her last incarnation as King Solomon. This encounter was so intense that Sylvia wants to offer this special being a platform through which the greatness and power of this soul can be adequately conveyed.
She not only reveals many other useful life lessons from this unique existence, but also that the soul of King Solomon himself had contact with teachers who gave him insights into the laws of the cosmos.
Taschenbuch: 372 Seiten Verlag: Silverline Publishing; Erscheinungsdatum: 6. Dezember 2017 Sprache: Deutsch
Größe und/oder Gewicht: 14,8 x 2,1 x 21 cm, auch erschienen als Ebook

Initiation into the cartography of the subtle worlds - Part 1 + Part 2
We study the laws of nature and trust in them. Why should it be any different with the subtle laws?
In her book series “Initiations”, Sylvia Leifheit devotes herself to what is invisible to us, to what we call the subtle, in order to gradually awaken precisely this trust in the “other” nature. Because it is also part of a large system, but so far we only know what we can measure with our known tools. She thus lifts the veil precisely where all the doctrines of our past and present abuse the ignorance of humanity through fear, oppression and manipulation, instead of making this knowledge available to people.
The author and her teachers end this subjugation by initiating us - building on the previous works in the initiation series - into the world of spiritual truths in several successive steps.
Taschenbuch: 772 Seiten Verlag: Silverline Publishing; Erscheinungsdatum: 12. Dezember 2020 Sprache: Deutsch
Größe und/oder Gewicht: 14,8 x 2,1 x 21 cm, auch erschienen als Ebook

Handbook on being human
The “soul researcher” Sylvia Leifheit addresses the essential questions of our existence with pragmatic ease, clarity and directness.
- Who “follows” whom and why? Why do so many people “sleep” all their lives, lurching from (supposed) obligation to obligation, always feeling powerless?
- Why is their life a single (minor or major) drama?
- What drives people to wage war against themselves and others?
- What is the reason for their arrogance towards nature and their fellow human beings?
- How do people love? Do they live consciously at all or is it an animal existence full of desires? And why are so few aware of themselves?
- What prevents them from leading a fulfilled life?
- Do they live consciously?
This book provides simple and understandable answers and thus becomes a faithful companion to a self-determined life.