A woman of a thousand and one colors
Known Actress, presenter, speaker, author, podcasthost, and multiple entrepreneur, but above all -
A Visionary

Born in East Germany, Thuringia, former DDR
Until reunification, grew up in the elite boarding school Schnepfental
After reunification, moved to West Germany, Nuremberg, graduated from high school.
2002 Near-death experience
2009 Emigration from Germany
1995 - 2018 Actress in over 70 leading roles in TV and cinema
1997 Foundation at the age of 22 - start of entrepreneurship: Most Wanted Models based in Munich and Hamburg
2010 Foundation of Secondglam.com. Buying and selling luxury goods online, exit 2015.
2013 Founding of Select Inc.
2025 Founding of Spine.app
2005 The Golden Hen, Friedrichstadtpalast
2011-2013 Presentation of own series “Zeitgeister” with physicists, borderline scientists, quantum physicists and authors at Nexworld.tv
2012 Publication of the first book “Das 1x1 des Seins” ( the basiscs of being) by Scorpio/Trinity Verlag
2013- today, 10 Publications of books
2005 Since then, Business ambassador of the city of hometown Gotha
2007 Signed in the Golden Book of the City of Gotha